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Jura Z6 Espresso Machine Review for 2021

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Most avid coffee drinkers find it heavy on their wallets to meet their daily coffee intake from a café. As a coffeeholic, you should buy a good coffee machine to fulfill the caffeine urge that can boost your mood. For a divine cup of coffee, you need an extraordinary coffee machine that would give you a rich and smoother coffee as a kickstart.

The Jura Z6 automatic coffee machine is a perfect choice for coffee lovers that makes up to 22 different coffee beverages. It has all the unique features to give the best coffee, no matter the style. Use it in your office, in waiting rooms, or even your house if you are living with a big family. It is seamless for places where everyone has diverse coffee preferences.

This coffee machine uses artificial intelligence to save your preferences. It connects to the smartphone as well. Overall, it makes for a great smart device and the newest way to make some coffee. However, if you are not very tech-savvy, you may not prefer the Z6 automatic coffee machine. 

Let’s find out in-detail what Jura Z6 has to offer.


  • Aroma G3 grinder
  • CLEARYL filter with the IWS
  • 22 different beverages
  • Automatic regular and milk cleaning system 
  • Automated intelligence saves personal choice
  • Customizable cup for strength
  • Supports powder coffee


  • Very techy 
  • Virtually expensive 
  • No place for leftover milk.

Should You Choose an Automatic Espresso Machine?

The Jura Z6 automatic coffee machine is entirely automated. It uses artificial intelligence that even saves you from pressing a lot of buttons every time. Ultimately, you get the finest coffee. 

Is it a good option? Well, it depends upon your convenience, but the general answer is yes. You do not have to refill the water and clean it every time. 

You’ll save plenty of time because Jura Z6 will prepare a perfect cup of morning coffee while you’re getting ready for your office.

However, with technology comes the challenge of learning it. If you are not very good at smart devices, then getting an automatic espresso machine may not be your cup of tea. 

Comparison Table

Features Z6  D6E6
TasteAroma G3 + PEP + aroma preservation corner Aroma G2 + PEPPre brewing system + Aroma G2 + PEP
Brewing capacity 2.4 liters of water 280 grams of coffee beans  1.8 liters of water 280g of coffee1.8 liters of water 280g of coffee
User-friendliness Fully automated with buttons  Simple dials TFT display 
Design and materials Aluminum body + stainless steel spout  Aluminum bodyPlastic Body
Cleaning and maintenance Automatic with tablets Automatic with tabletsAutomatic with tablets
Frothing Steam + frothing automatic optionSteam + frothing automatic optionSteam only 
GrindingAroma G3Aroma G2Aroma G2 
Additional features ESM, smartphone connection, powder coffee acceptance ESM, smartphone connection TFT display only 
Value for moneyYesPricyYes 

The Jura Z6 Review


When it comes to taste, a coffee machine needs to have features to enhance it. This coffee machine works with the Aroma G3 grinder. Aroma G3 allows the pod to grind with 60% less residue that helps in extracting the whole flavor from the beans. 

The pulse extraction process works side by side to ensure that the ground coffee releases maximum flavor. You can set the strength of the coffee with the functions to get the exclusive taste. There is also a CLEARYL filter in the Jura Z6 to make the water free from toxins and impurities. To top it all off, there is an aroma preservation corner to ensure that the essence does not evaporate. 

Speaking of the D6, this machine has the Aroma G2 grinder. This grinder holds flavor but not as efficiently as the Aroma G3. It uses PEP technology to ensure flavor but does not have the Aroma preservation system. 

The E6 uses Aroma G3 and PEP technologies together. But this machine has an intelligent pre-brew aroma system to bring the most aroma and flavor before the machine grinds it. 

Brewing Capacity

With over 22 different beverages in this machine, this coffee maker is versatile. However, the brewing capacity matters a lot if you want to put it in a public place. Let us talk about the variable brewing unit first. 

The variable brewing unit holds coffee powder to ensure that the PEP system extracts flavor to make the best cup of espresso. The capacity of coffee powder in the Jura Z6 is about 5-16 grams whereas the water tank capacity is 2.4 liters. You can store up to 280 grams of beans at one time. 

This means you can make about 81 cups from one filling. The rest of the beverages may vary on the amount of water and milk. Overall, there are about 20 servings from the ground coffee in this machine. 

The Jura D6 is slightly different. It holds about 1.8 liters of water only. The bean capacity reaches about 200 grams and you can brew about 63 cups of standard espresso. However, the coffee ground container roughly makes about 16 servings in one filling. 

The Jura E6 has a variable brewing unit of about 5-16 grams. It holds about 1.8 liters of water in its tanker and you can brew about 63 cups of espresso. The ground coffee produces 16 servings in a filling. 


Since Jura is an advanced machine, it is essential to understand how user-friendly it is in reality. The Jura Z6 is a fully automated machine with smart features. These features allow you to work wirelessly as well. 

The artificial intelligence system not only reduces the endeavor and helps to work with just a start button but it also guides you when your machine needs maintenance. 

The color display is not a touch screen however, it gives you easy touch buttons. You can also customize your cup of coffee and save it. The next time you won’t have to revive the settings. But overall, this machine is quite user-friendly. 

The Jura D6 is perhaps more comfortable to use and has the minimalistic design. However, it does not use artificial intelligence to save coffee preferences. The Jura E6 is quite similar to the D6. It does not have many options so that it looks simpler. It has an automatic switch-off, along with maintenance lights and ESM. 

Design and Materials 

The Jura Z6 is famous for its durability and diamond black color. This top increases in ambiance and amps up the look. The front part has two components, only for a minimalistic look. The aluminum body gives the Z6 a backup of support as well. 

The spout is stainless steel in the material. The high-quality stainless steel gives long life and a clean look to the unit. 

In comparison, the Jura D6 is almost the same. However, it has a thermal retention system that allows the machine to remain calm when brewing hot coffee. 

The Jura E6 has a plastic body. It does not focus much on its materials. However, the spout is of stainless steel that helps increase durability.  

Cleaning and Maintenance 

Coffee machines need a lot of effort in maintenance as they stockpile the debris easily. But that’s not the case with a Jura Z6. It will tell you when it’s time to clean your machine. The indication light not only helps with this feature it has indicators for water and bean levels as well. 

There are built-in descaling and cleansing programs in this machine. To utilize this, you need the tablets for this machine that are easily available and help clean the filters and everything inside. But you have to change the CLEARYL water filter manually upon indication. 

There is also a milk integrating rinsing and cleaning system. Milk sometimes leaves behind particles and stains, which is why the washing system helps clean the machine without much effort. All you have to do is clean the body with a damp piece of cloth. 

There isn’t a lot to do with maintenance. However, ideally, changing the water every day will make a lot of difference to this machine. 

Generally, the cleaning and maintaining of the Jura D6 and E6 are the same. Both have a CLEARYL system to filter the debris out of the water to make it clean. With just the push of a button, descaling and cleaning of the machine and milk system start working. Even with them, you need the special Jura tablets of cleaning. The slight difference in the E6 is, the body is made of plastic.  


Frothing is another significant part of any coffee machine. Not everyone loves Americano. The Jura Z6 gives about 22 different styles of beverages.  At least some of them need milk. The HP3 is the best milk system in this machine. 

There are about ten different levels to select the temperature of the milk. You can also save these preferences. Moreover, you can determine the strength of the coffee for the right amount of milk as well. There is an automatic selection of frothy milk or steam milk in this coffee machine as well. 

The Jura D6 also has a milk system. This system gives you frothy milk for your favorite beverage. However, drinks with milk take time because there is only one boiler. However, the system is automatic but you cannot select the temperature of the milk. 

In Jura E6 you do not have the option to froth milk automatically. You have to pump and adjust the milk settings manually. 


Grinding coffee is the most crucial part. You can get ground coffee and use it in a coffee machine. But you will not understand what Z6 gives you. The Jura Z6 guarantees maximum and ultimate flavor without losing its essence. 

You cannot use ground or powder coffee in this iconic machine. 

The aroma G3 grinding technology works wonders in this regard. This process allows the machine to grind the coffee quietly and fast. It keeps all the aromas intact. The aroma cover keeps the essence of leaving the device. 

In comparison, the Jura D6 uses the aroma G2 grinding process. This process is almost similar to the G3 process. However, it is not as fast or as quiet. It may have a bit of noise factor as well. 

The Jura E6 is slightly more different. It has an intelligent pre brew aroma system. Before grinding, the coffee beans develop to their fullest form before the Aroma G2 grinding process. 

Additional Features 

Jura Z6 is one of the best coffee machines in the market. Apart from the basic automated features, there are many additional aspects as well. It makes about 22 different beverages to suit your needs. The one-touch Lungo feature allows the hot water and coffee to meet at a temperature to ensure that the aromatic flavor does not burn with the water temperature. 

It has a wireless machine that connects to your smartphone and works at a safe distance. To make it energy efficient, the device has a programmable off, that enhances safety. Z6 holds in a coffee powder that no other machine does, and this feature makes it unique amid all other machines.

The Jura D6 has an additional feature of energy-saving mode. You will find it easy connecting to your smartphone. This machine makes about seven incredible and irresistible beverages. Apart from the TFT display, there are not many additional features on this device. 

Value for Money 

It all comes down to this question. Is the Jura Z6 worth the money? It is not questionable that the Jura machines are higher on the higher side of the price range. But are they worth it?

The Jura Z6 is an entirely automatic machine with plenty of features. The brewing capacity is more significant, there are about 22 beverages, and overall the tool works without much human contact. It has two cup capacity as well. This machine is not a small unit, neither in features nor in size. So yes, we think it is worth the money. 

Speaking of the Jura D6, even though this machine is big on features, we think it could tone down on the price. The unit is excellent, and it works wonders. However, they are not as high as the Jura Z6, but the price brings a question. 

Finally, the Jura E6. It is a simple device with some fantastic features. The basic Jura features come together to make it feasible. However, this machine does not have any additional features; at the same time, it is less expensive. It lives up to its value for money.  

Who Should Buy the Z6?

Well, the Jura Z6 is perfect for people who like to put minimum effort to get the best-tasting coffee. 

It works well for people that want all kinds of coffee and cannot decide what to drink at what time. 

If you live amid the coffee drinkers, this machine is your true friend. You no longer have to waste thousands of dollars every month of different kinds of coffees from expensive brands. The Z6 makes anything you want, just in a jiffy.  

Since this device has so many different features, it is also great for offices. With 22 different types of beverages, all the employees are sure to get what they want.  

Who Should Not Buy the Z6?

If you live alone and are thinking of getting this, it’s not a good idea. See, you may have one coffee preference, and this is an expensive machine to have. 

People who lose their temper over technology should also not get this device. With many features come many aspects of learning about. If you are not friends with machines, then the Jura Z6 may become a burden for you. You may end up breaking it. 

FAQs for The Jura Z6 Coffee Machine 

How Long Does It Take to Prepare a Coffee in Jura Z6?

While this question is common, it is tricky too. Does it take a long time? Not at all. The Jura Z6 is a quick coffee machine. However, it may take time if you set your preferences every single time. Moreover, each beverage has its own preparation time. But it does not take long to make a cup of coffee beverages. 

How Many Cups Does the Z6 Allow?

Unlike many other coffee machines, the Jura Z6 allows you to fit two cups at a time. It fills those two cups together with one selection of beverages. Keep in mind that the container is average in size as a coffee mug. Anything huge may hinder the space. 

Can I Use Visibly Dirty Water in This Machine?

Tap water that is either cold or room temperature works best in the Jura Z6. If you deliberately put dirty water, you may ruin the filter. Mineral and sparkling water are also not recommended since the filter will strain everything out. 

Can You Make An Americano In One Step, Or Do You Need To Pour The Shots First And Then Go For Water Option In Z6?

The Jura Z6 is a fully automatic coffee machine. There is manual labor to make Americano. Simply add coffee beans and water in the designated slots. The device will first make the espresso shot and then pour the water. The temperature is precise to ensure that the coffee flavor does not burn. 

Does Jura Z6 Accept Powder Coffee? 

No. The Jura Z6 has unique technology to grind the coffee to perfection. Once the coffee grinds well, the PEP technology takes the most flavor out of it and gives you exceptional coffee according to your preferences. Adding powder coffee and ground coffee can cause hindrance in the grinding system. However, this machine still accepts powder coffee as its own. Make sure it is not a regular thing, though!

The Verdict

After contemplating all the features of the Jura Z6, we have concluded, this coffee maker is a worthy contender. It gives off so many elements to make the perfect coffee that it is impossible to disappoint anyone. 

If you are looking for a new barista for your kitchen, this coffee machine is the ideal choice for you. Even though it is pricy, it is an excellent investment. It treats your taste buds with the perfect beverage with its natural fullness and consistency.

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